Need help using Advanced Renamer

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 24/06-24 09:11
Posts: 4
Hi everyone

I'm new to using Advanced Renamer and I want to rename a bunch of tv shows that I own,to be clear this is content that I purchased from amazon and iTunes and I want to rename the files.

Here's my problem I use an Android Box as my media player for my tv shows when I go to my cottage and take any tv shows that I own with me and play them on my Android Box with a 1TB hard drive.

The problem is when you name them normally like this The Blacklist S1E1 and S1E2 and so on.

When you name like that up above and use VLC media player which is the best for Android Box's when trying to use them as a media player it displays and plays them in this order.

The Blacklist S1E1 then goes to S1E10 then S1E11.

I was told if I rename them The Blacklist S1E01 and S1E02 this will fix the problem.

Can anyone tell me is it possible to make a custom preset in Advanced Renamer so for anyone show I want to rename from this method of S1E1 to S1E01.

If that is possible can someone please tell me how to do it.

Also if I purchase a key for this program is it a lifetime key.

24/06-24 09:11
#2 : 24/06-24 09:24
Posts: 4
Reply to #1:
I tried playing with this program some more and this is a test that I did

S1E01American Conspiracy The Octopus Murders S1E4

I would like to auto remove the S1E4 automatically and also put the S1E01 at the end of the text.

24/06-24 09:24
#3 : 24/06-24 10:57
Kim Jensen
Kim Jensen
Posts: 897
Reply to #1:
I you are to add zero padding to existing numbers in the file name, you can use the renumber method: d_renumber

Configure it like this:
Number position: 2
Change to: Relative
Number difference: 0
Zero padding: Manual
Number length: 2

This changes the episode number to two digits. If you also want to change the season number, change the number position edit box to 1.

I will suggest having the numbers as the first part of the filename, like this S01E01 - Show Name - Episode name
But in the end it is a matter of preference.

24/06-24 10:57
#4 : 24/06-24 14:42
Posts: 4
Reply to #3:
I found all the diffrenet setting's but 1.

Where do you find Number Length

Thanks for your help.

24/06-24 14:42
#5 : 24/06-24 17:21
Delta Foxtrot
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 264
Reply to #4:
When you change "Zero padding:" to "Manual", the Number Length will auto-magically appear. :)

24/06-24 17:21
#6 : 25/06-24 07:45
Posts: 4
Reply to #5:
Thanks for all the help so far but something is still a miss.

I did the changes as suggested and this is what the file was called before renaming it American Conspiracy The Octopus Murders S1E1

Now it's just named S1E01

I want to keep this at first American Conspiracy The Octopus Murders and have this follow it on the end S1E01

25/06-24 07:45
#7 : 25/06-24 08:16
Delta Foxtrot
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 264
Reply to #6:

Hi Wade,

> I did the changes as suggested and this is what the file was called before renaming it American Conspiracy The Octopus Murders S1E1

> Now it's just named S1E01

OK, the Renumber method alone wouldn't do that, it only effects numbers, so you must have put in another method, right? Without knowing what you've done I can't really say what to do.

If you haven't already, you need to roll back the filename (menu Tools/undo batch) so you have the full filenames to work with.

Then, if all your filenames follow that pattern you just need the renumber method to format it to the SnEnn format at the end. Just make sure no other methods are active in your method list.

EDIT: Here's a screenshot of how it should look: xGAa5l5QZFZ_vX7Dh/view?usp=sharing


25/06-24 08:16 - edited 25/06-24 08:22