Pares e impares

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 04/09-24 23:42
Posts: 1
Hola a todos, alguien que me pueda ayudar cómo hacer un script para renombrar o agregar números pares e impares consecutivos, ya sea al principio o final del nombre original del archivo?
#2 : 05/09-24 05:38
Posts: 104
Reply to #1:
Hi Maria,
you can use the methods to add or rename files using the <Inc Nr:x:y> tag: gs_default

If you want to use even numbers, you can set the tag like this: <Inc Nr:0:2>, and for odd numbers like this <Inc Nr:1:2>.

Add method:

Add: <Inc Nr:0:2>
At position: 1

In this case, an incremental even number is added to the beginning of the filename. If you want to add the number at the end of the filename, you must select the Backwards option and set at position: 0. For odd numbers you must use the tag <Inc Nr:1:2>.

In the same way, you can use the method "New name" to rename files by using the same tag for incremental numbers.

edited: 05/09-24 08:57