Feature request: Add ability to supply directories in replace method

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 18/12-24 22:24
Just A Suggestion
Posts: 3
Please add the ability to supply directories in replace method, especially using regular expressions.

I know I can do this via scripting, and did, but it would be really useful, intuitive, fast and easy to have this in the regular replace method.


File name: Artist - Song.mp3
Text to be replaced: (.*) - (.*)
Replace with: $1\\$2

In move mode we cannot access matches from within the replace method.
#2 : 18/12-24 22:38
Just A Suggestion
Posts: 3
The ability to change the file path could be extended into other renaming methods but would be most useful in the replace method.
#3 : 18/12-24 22:47
Just A Suggestion
Posts: 3
As a workaround, although I much prefer being able to change the file path in the method itself, you could provide a match method, which allows for the creation of custom named tags from the matched (sub-) patterns. Those could later be used in move mode to supply directory information.


File name: Artist - Album - Song.mp3

Match: (.*?) - (.*?) - (.*?)
Make matches available as global variables:
$1: <CustomTag: Artist>
$2: <CustomTag: Album>
$3: <CustomTag: Song>

New name: <CustomTag: Song>

Move mode:
Output folder: <CustomTag: Artist>\<CustomTag: Album>

Nevertheless, the simplicity of changing the file path from within renaming methods beats custom tags or scripting the path easily.
