#1 : 31/12-24 12:44 Gauthier
Posts: 4
Thank you for this great tool, the most powerful I've seen so far! => I just purchased a license :-) I just upgraded from 3.85 to 4.06, and the sub seconds do not seem to be added anymore, only the separator "-" is added. Is there an issue? Request: regarding the sub second tag (which is great, I could finally get rid of the arbitrary a, b, c...), it seems to be only applied to 1 of the 2 files (or 2 of the 3, etc.), e.g. if I have to conflicting files, they will be named: <date time>-23.jpg <date time>.jpg However I would like the sub second appendix to be applied to all the conflicting files, e.g.: <date time>-23.jpg <date time>-17.jpg Is it possible? Regards, Gauthier |