
Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 08/02-25 06:09
Posts: 5
Hallo, ich habe folgendes Problem, meine Dateinamen habe immer den gleichen Aufbau:

2024-10-25_name kann variieren_14_18_32_10.jpg
datum_name kann variieren_zeitstempel.jpg

Wenn ich den Zeitstempel der Datei mit Dateinamenmuster auf den Zeitstempel des Dateinamens ändern möchte, gibt es für "name kann variieren" die Möglichkeit eine Variable einzusetzen?

Vielen Dank

#2 : 08/02-25 07:39
Posts: 150
Reply to #1:
I don't know if there is a variable for part of the filename, but you can use two timestamp methods in the same batch to achieve your desired result. In the first timestamp method you need to enter
<Year>-<Month>-<Day> in the pattern field and in the second timestamp method you need to enter
<Hour>_<Min>_<Sec> in the pattern field because the Advanced Renamer program will automatically retrieve the date and time.
Start the batch to get your modified files.

EDIT: I have found a bug in this method, in ARen 4.08: the resulting hour in the timestamp of the file is +1 with respect to the filename pattern.

edited: 08/02-25 07:49
#3 : 08/02-25 20:59
Bajusz Attila
Posts: 2
Reply to #2:

EDIT: I have found a bug in this method, in ARen 4.08: the resulting hour in the timestamp of the file is +1 with respect to the filename pattern.

I have the same problem, I reported it in the forum today. It adds 1 hour, but not for all images.
#4 : 11/02-25 14:53
Posts: 5
Reply to #2:
That's how it works, thank you! I simply compensate for the hour difference with the timestamp function.