Adding files to an already renamed folder

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 16/02-25 03:44
Guy Middlemiss
Posts: 3
Thanks to DF for giving me the correct method of renaming my folder files. I have read all of the posts on the forum and run through the guide, but still am unsure of how to add additional files to a renamed folder. The add files does not work for, the files still have the original names and there is no sequential numbering.
Can anyone help?
#2 : 16/02-25 19:31
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 431
Reply to #1:

Hello Guy,

I'm afraid I don't understand the problem from your description. Can you provide more information. The more we know about the problem, including old filenames, intended filenames, folder names, methods you are using or trying to use, etc, the more we are able to formulate solutions that work for you.

When you say, " but still am unsure of how to add additional files to a renamed folder." I assume you are familiar with dragging files, and that's all it takes to "add additional files to a renamed folder". So I'm missing something, so for now I'm assuming you mean move and rename the files within ARen. It's doable to set the "Batch mode:" field to "Move", and in the process you can have methods to rename the files before they are moved. The problem is that you can't then just insert a replace method that recreates the name "body" part and tack on a "_<IncNrDir>" and expect the files to start at the next available number in the new directory. In that circumstance they will try to start at 1, which will give errors. You would have to inspect the files in the target directory and insert the next "free", or available, number into the incnrdir tag, like "<IncNrDir:102>".

I realize that may have absolutely nothing to do with your real problem; just a stab in the proverbial dark my friend...

Let us know what you need and we'll see what we can do!
