Change "time" annotation lenght in file name

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 28/02-25 16:03
Posts: 2
To achieve a perfect time allocation I changed the file names in the format : YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_abcdefg getting these info from exhif record.
Unfotunately by mistake I renamed some as YYYYMMDD_HHMM_abcdefg missing the SS (Seconds). This makes the time sort of windows to fail the right order.
Now I must add the SS (from ehif record) to the wrong file names (many hundreds with the wrong name mixed up with hundreds with the correct one).
Any suggestion?
#2 : 28/02-25 18:35
Posts: 178
Reply to #1: Undo batch?
#3 : 01/03-25 11:05
Posts: 156
Reply to #1:
Hi Marcello,
you can remove the time format in all filenames (wrong or not) with the replace method using the regular expression this way:
Replace: (.*)_(.*)_(.*)
Replace with: \1_\3
Next, use the add method to add the time format from exif to all filenames at index 10.
You can now start the batch to get the desired filenames.

edited: 01/03-25 11:08
#4 : 01/03-25 20:06
Posts: 2
Reply to #3:

Hi Styb

Based on your suggestion I worked out a "Replace" expression fitting with my name rules

Problem solved.

Many Thanks Styb !!