Load multiple presets?

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 06/03-25 00:14
Kat D
Posts: 2
I've got 2 very long presets I would like to combine. Any way to do that?
#2 : 06/03-25 06:17
Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 436
Reply to #1:

Hi Kat,

If you open the .aren files in a text editor you can see the file structure. Here's a simple 2-method file:

"type" : "preset",
"program" : "Advanced Renamer 4.08",
"version" : 4080000,
"batchmode" : "rename",
"pairrename" : true,
"namecollision.rule" : "append_pattern",
"namecollision.separator" : "_",
"namecollision.pattern" : "<IncNrDir:1>",
"methods" : [
"methodname" : "newname",
"active" : true,
"mask" : "test_<IncNrDir>",
"tagpage" : 2,
"applyto" : "name"

"methodname" : "replace",
"active" : true,
"replace" : "^(.*?)\\s*(\\d+)\\.png$",
"replacewith" : "\\2 - \\1.png",
"casesensitive" : false,
"regularexpressions" : true,
"applyto" : "nameandextension",
"occurrence" : 0

The first section up to
"methods" : [
is the header. Each method starts with
"methodname" :

and ends with a curly bracket (and all except the last one are followed by a comma).

Take a little time to understand the file structure and you can safely move methods from one .aren file to another. If you mess up the file structure, though, the file may be unuseable. Just back up everything and don't overwrite anything you can't afford to lose. :)

#3 : 09/03-25 17:49
Kat D
Posts: 2
Reply to #2:
Perfect! Will give it a try. Thank you!!!