#1 : 06/03-25 04:31 Henry
Posts: 8
I am trying to rename from "Letter to the president 0341234" to "0341234 - Letter to the president" The first part "letter to the president" contains all letters, no digits. I consulted with chatgpt which suggested this: Find = ^(.*?)\s*(\d+)\.pdf$ Replace = \2 - \1.pdf but Advanced Renamer failed to change. What needs to be corrected to the regex? Thanks |
#2 : 06/03-25 05:49 Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 436
Reply to #1:
Hi Henry, That expression worked for me, as long as the "Apply to:" field is set to "Name and extension" (and of course regular expressions are set on). I have "Occurrence:" set to All, but 1st probably works too. Best, DF |
#3 : 06/03-25 14:51 Miguel
Posts: 178
Reply to #1:
Hi Henry. It doesn't work for me either. Make the following changes. REPLACE: ^(.*?)\s*(\d+) REPLACE WITH: \2 - \1 Use regular expression cheked. Miguel |
#4 : 06/03-25 16:36 Henry
Posts: 8
Reply to #3:
Before consulting chatgpt, I consulted https://www.advancedrenamer.com/user_guide/v4/re gular_expresions I thought I could use \w or \W thus Find = ^(\w*)(\d+) which (\w*) would group the "letter to the president". Guess it is time to hit youtube again. |
#5 : 07/03-25 02:36 Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 436
Reply to #4:
Henry, Your expression won't work because the character class \w does not include spaces, so the first space in the filename kills the match. The \w also includes numbers 0-9, so even if you included spaces in the first match it would still gobble up all the numbers at the end, so there would be no "\2" to find. This works: Replace: ^([A-Za-z\s]+)(\d+) With: \2 - \1 (regex yes, apply to name, occurrence all or 1st), So does Miguel's expression with the same parameters, but so does the original ChatGPT expression (with apply to: Name and extension, as long as your file is a .pdf). You don't need youtube, you just need to apply what's here. Best, DF |