Invalid MOVE Command in new version

Advanced Renamer forum
#1 : 10/03-25 17:33
Katharina Sobottka
Posts: 2
I want to rename mp4 files. I want to move "SxxExx" from position 16 (backwards) to position 1. I wrote to Position 100 since no filename is that long. Means 100 backwards is position 1. It worked perfectly!!! But not in the new version! Everythings shown in the picture (first version 4.08 where the command doesn't work, beneath version 3.90):

edited: 10/03-25 18:03
#2 : 10/03-25 20:34
Posts: 178
Reply to #1:
Hi Katharina,
I noticed that there are some methods placed before the 'Move' method. These might be influencing the 'Move' method. Have you tried placing the 'Move' method first? You may need to adjust the number of characters to move accordingly."

#3 : 11/03-25 05:25
Posts: 156
Reply to #1:
You are right, in the 3.9x version, the Move method does work just fine.