#1 : 13/03-25 17:22 Katharina Sobottka
Posts: 6
Is it possible to calculate when renaming? The file name contains a number. For the new file name I would like to deduct a certain amount. Example:
old: Mit Schirm, Charme und Melone E102 Robin Hood spielt mit new: Mit Schirm, Charme und Melone E24 Robin Hood spielt mit It's OldNumber minus 78. |
#2 : 13/03-25 18:32 Delta Foxtrot
Posts: 441
Reply to #1:
Hi Katharina, That would be the Renumber method you'd use in that situation. https://www.advancedrenamer.com/user_guide/v4/me thod_renumber Number position: 1 Change to: relative to existing number Number difference: -78 Handle negative numbers CHECKED Zero padding: No padding Apply to: Name I personally had a problem conceptualizing the first field, but it's really simple: it's just a number representing the place within the filename that the target number falls, in relation to all other numbers in the filename. If your filename was Mit Schirm, Charme und Melone S5E102 Robin Hood spielt mit Then the Number position would be 2, because it now follows another number within the name. And so on. Best, DF |