#1 : 17/03-25 13:42 Warrington
Posts: 4
It makes no sense, i inserted a load of image files then did randomize then clicked Start batch and boom everything is gone and no way of finding them. i have the originals only and probably somewhere on my pc i now have another set.
i just want to save a load of image files out in a random order so when i open the folder they are in a random order to how i originally saved them. |
#2 : 17/03-25 14:35 Kim Jensen
Posts: 966 |
Reply to #1:
You can click the "Undo batch" button to see the results of previous batches and also perform a revert if needed. |
#3 : 17/03-25 14:56 Warrington
Posts: 4
Reply to #2:
I've spent half a day on this program and got nowhere, it's a very strange program and nothing makes any sense to me. Surly, there is a better way to randomize a load of image files in a folder. |
#4 : 17/03-25 14:56 Warrington
Posts: 4
Reply to #2:
i appreciate you taking the time to reply though |
#5 : 17/03-25 15:08 Warrington
Posts: 4
Reply to #2:
its ok i found a great little script that does just what i needed :) for anyone else that needs a simple way to randomize files here is the script. "@ECHO OFF REM Randomly renames every file in a directory. SETLOCAL EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion REM 0 = Rename the file randomly. REM 1 = Prepend the existing file name with randomly generated string. SET PrependOnly=0 REM 1 = Undo changes according to the translation file. REM This will only work if the file "__Translation.txt" is in the same folder. REM If you delete the translaction file, you will not be able to undo the changes! SET Undo=0 REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM Do not modify anything below this line unless you know what you are doing. REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET TranslationFile=__Translation.txt IF NOT {%Undo%}=={1} ( REM Rename files ECHO You are about to randomly rename every file in the following folder: ECHO %~dp0 ECHO. ECHO A file named %TranslationFile% will be created which allows you to undo this. ECHO Warning: If %TranslationFile% is lost/deleted, this action cannot be undone. ECHO Type "OK" to continue. SET /P Confirm= IF /I NOT {!Confirm!}=={OK} ( ECHO. ECHO Aborting. GOTO :EOF ) ECHO Original Name/Random Name > %TranslationFile% ECHO ------------------------- >> %TranslationFile% FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('DIR /A:-D /B') DO ( IF NOT %%A==%~nx0 ( IF NOT %%A==%TranslationFile% ( SET Use=%%~xA IF {%PrependOnly%}=={1} SET Use=_%%A SET NewName=!RANDOM!-!RANDOM!-!RANDOM!!Use! ECHO %%A/!NewName!>> %TranslationFile% RENAME "%%A" "!NewName!" ) ) ) ) ELSE ( ECHO Undo mode. IF NOT EXIST %TranslationFile% ( ECHO Missing translation file: %TranslationFile% PAUSE GOTO :EOF ) FOR /F "skip=2 tokens=1,2 delims=/" %%A IN (%TranslationFile%) DO RENAME "%%B" "%%A" DEL /F /Q %TranslationFile% )" |