Example: Downloaded files

Case: I have downloaded a bunch of files from the internet, but all the spaces are _ and all the files ends with an unwanted suffix. The file name could be something like the_x_tv_show_cooltvstation.avi.

We need to use three methods to do the following:

  1. Remove cooltvstation from the files.
  2. Replace underscores with spaces.
  3. Make the first letter in every word upper case.

Do the following:

  1. Add the files to the list.
  2. If there are methods in the method list click the Clear Methods toolbar button.
  3. Click Add Method.
  4. Select Replace Method and click OK.
  5. In the text box Text To Be Replaced type _cooltvstation
  6. Make sure the text box Replace With is empty.
  7. The new file names should now look something like this: the_x_tv_show.avi
  8. Click Add Method again.
  9. Select Replace Method and click OK.
  10. In the text box Text To Be Replaced type_
  11. In the text box Replace With type a space.
  12. The new file names should now look something like this: the x tv show.avi
  13. Click Add Method once again.
  14. Select New Case Method and click OK.
  15. Check the radio button Set Upper Case First Letter In Every Word.
  16. Set Apply To to Name.
  17. The new file names should now look something like this: The X Tv Show.avi
  18. Verify the names in the list.
  19. Click Start Batch.

 What we did here was to use more than one method at the same time to produce the desired result. When using more than one method you should make sure they are applied in the correct order. You can move the methods up and down to change the order in which they are run.