Video tags

Video tags can be used to extract information from video and movie files. Note, not all video types and codecs are supported.

<Width> Inserts the width of the video.
<Height> Inserts the height of the video.
<FrameRate> Number of frames per second.
<Video Date:format>
<Video Time:format>
See <Date> tag for a description of the parameter.
<Video Date Year:x>
<Video Date Month:x>
<Video Date Day>
<Video Date Hour>
<Video Date Min>
<Video Date Sec>
Use these tags to insert date and time values for the date the video was produced.

See <Month> tag for a description of the parameter for the <Video Date Month> tag.

<Duration> The total duration of the video formatted in hours, minutes, and seconds
<Duration Hour> The hour time part of the video duration. Use parameter to control zero padding: <Duration Hour:0>
<Duration Min> The minute time part of the video duration. Use parameter to control zero padding: <Duration Min:0>
<Duration Sec> The second time part of the video duration. Use parameter to control zero padding: <Duration Sec:0>