This page applies to version 3.xx only. For version 4.0 and later see this page.


If you want to participate in the development of Advanced Renamer you can contribute with translations. Here are som easy steps on how to make new translations:
  1. Download the translation pack to your computer.
  2. Unpack the the ZIP file to a local folder on your computer.
  3. The translation pack contains two files. A language file source and a translation editor. Install the DKLang Translation editor by executing the file dktraned-3.0-setup.exe.
  4. Launch the editor.
  5. In the Open Language File window locate the language souce file ARen.dklang from the ZIP file.
  6. Click the Create New Translation radio button and click the OK button.
  7. A Translation Properties window will appear. Set Source Language to English (USA) and set Translation Language to the language you want to translate the source file. Leave the rest of the fields blank and click OK.
  8. All language phrases should be present on the screen in two columns. Default value on the left and the translated value on the right. Translate the right values in the edit box in the bottom.
  9. Save the file to the langauge folder called Lang in the Advanced Renamer folder (usualle C:\Program Files\Advanced Renamer\Lang\.
  10. When you start Advanced Renamer it is now possible to select the new language from the settings dialog.
  11. Send the new language file to and it will be included in the next release of Advanced Renamer.

If you want to edit an existing language file do the same as above except you should choose Open An Existing Translation File in step 6 and select the existing language file by clicking the Browse button in the bottom of the window. Also note that step 7 is not needed when editing existing files.


If any phrases include something like %s or %d it is very important to also include these special values in the translated text. They are placeholders for values supplied by Advanced Renamer at runtime. If any of these are omitted the program will fail when using this text phrase.

Translation progress

Thanks to all the translators who have helped make this software available in other languages than English.

Language Author Progress
Bulgarian language BulgarianNider Karlov, (Нидер Карлов)96% complete
Catalan language CatalanXavier Arbiell96% complete
Chinese (Simplified) language Chinese (Simplified)D-Jy96% complete
Czech language CzechTomas Prokes98% complete
Danish language DanishKim Jensen100% complete
German language GermanBastian Wiegmann96% complete
Spanish language SpanishC4BR3R4 + Updated by Miguel100% complete
Finnish language FinnishVeikkoM98% complete
French language FrenchSimon Cayuela98% complete
Indonesian language IndonesianNicedward87% complete
Italian language ItalianUpdated by Styb (styb.styb_ at complete
Japanese language JapaneseTilt90% complete
Korean language Koreansheppaul85% complete
Dutch language DutchRené Diepenbroek96% complete
Polish language PolishŁukasz SEWERYN - continuation of translation done by fenixproductions (TC UP team)100% complete
Portuguese (Brazil) language Portuguese (Brazil)Marcio de Andrade96% complete
Romanian language RomanianCrystek Chris86% complete
Slovenian language SlovenianVinko Kastelic89% complete
Turkish language TurkishAhmet Murat Özhan97% complete
Ukrainian language UkrainianAnatolii Zaika (anatoly.zaika.v_ at complete
Vietnamese language VietnameseGiang Pham95% complete