Command line automation

This feature is only available on Windows

If you need to perform batches by automatically, like in a server environment, you can use the command line automation tool. The tool can be used to perform a batch defined by a previously saved batch method file.

In the Advanced Renamer folder you will find the file arenc.exe Start a shell and run the arenc.exe with the -h switch to get additional information.

Syntax: arenc [options]

Example: arenc -e batch.aren -p "c:\temp"

-h, -help: Display help.
-v, -verify : Verify results. Only test the batch.
-e, -execute <method list file> : Execute batch method list file.
-t, -type <files|folders> : Perform batch on files or folders. Default: files.
-p, -path <folder path> : Folder to perform batch on. Cannot be used with -i.
-s, -subs : Also add items from sub folders. Only with -p.
-i, -items <items file> : File containing files or folders to execute batch on. Cannot be used with -p.
-f, -files <file1;file2...> : List of files (separated by ;) to perform the batch on. Cannot be used with -u or -p.
-o, -order <column> : Column to sort items by. Default: filename. For more info type: arenc help order.
-od, -orderdesc : Order in reverse order.
-l, -log <log file> : File to output batch result to.
-m, -mode <rename|copy|move> : Batch mode. Default: rename.
-d, -destination <destination folder> : Destination folder when using -m copy or -m move.
-msk, -mask <mask1;mask2...> : Only perform batch on files matching this mask. Only with -p.
-r, -regex : Only perform batch on files matching this regular expression. Only with -p.