Batch method conditions

Configure batch method condition When a batch is configured with multiple methods, it might be necessary to limit the use of some methods for certain files. The batch method condition window can be used to configure a pattern for including or excluding certain files. Any subsequent methods will still be executed on all files. Each method can have its own condition configuration.

This feature is not available for all methods. The following methods doesn't support batch method conditions: Timestamp, Script, List.

Choose which field to use for pattern match. Can be set to:

NameThe original filename without the extension part.
New nameThe new filename of the file without the extension part. It is the new name the file has at the moment when the condition is evaluated. If multiple methods is used and the condition is applied to method #4, New Name is the name of the file after method #3 has been executed.
ExtensionThe original file extension, no including the dot, like jpg or docx.
New extensionThe new file extension, no including the dot.
PathThe original path of the file, not including the filename itself, example: c:\users\bleh\documents\

Match condition
Set how the field value should be matched with the pattern. Can be set to Contains, Starts with, Ends with, Equals, Regular expression. Will always match case insensitive.

The pattern to match the field value against. If the match condition is set to Regular expression, the pattern should be a valid regular expression. If the pattern is empty, the condition will always evaluate to true.

Not matching
Reverse the condition match.