Remove method

Batch method Remove This method can be used to remove a part of the filename, either a number of characters or a part of the filename that matches a search pattern. The method can be used to remove characters from the start or end of the filename, or from a specific position. The method can also be used to remove characters from the extension.

Remove type Introduced in version 4.10
Set how to configure the removal. The options are:

PositionRemove a part of the filename based on start position and number of characters to remove.
PatternRemove a pattern from the filename. The pattern can be a regular expression.
Accents and special marksRemove any accents, also known as diacritics, from filename. This only removed the mark, leaving the clean letter in place. Ex. å => a
Word charactersRemove all characters that is in the range a-z, any number and underscore.
Non-word charactersRemove characters that are not word characters, by the definition above.
Upper caseRemove any upper case character.
Lower caseRemove any lower case chracter.
Character listDefine a custom list of characters that should be removed.
NumbersRemove all numbers from the filename.

Note for older versions
Prior to version 4.10, this method only supported the Position remove type. Pattern removal has been supported through the Remove pattern method, which is now redundant and might be removed in a future version. Compatibility will be ensured by converting the configration during load from file.

Apply To
Specifies if the change should be applied to the name, extension or both.

Note: If you want to remove certain characters or words (like all "a"s), use the remove pattern method instead.