Replace method

Batch method Replace If you want to remove some words or letters from the filename and replace them with something else, you can use this method. Just type in the text you want to be replaced and the text it should be replaced with. This method can also be used to remove specific phrases. To do so just leave the box Replace With blank.

Text to be replaced
This is the text that will be replaced. If you want to replace more than one phrase, you can separate the different phrases with \.
Note:  You can use tags here.

Replace it with
Specify what the text in the previous box should be replaced with. If you want to remove the words and not replace them with something else, then leave this box blank.
Note:  You can use tags here.

Case Sensitive
If this is checked, the words "hello" and "Hello" are two different words. If you want to replace the text no matter what case they are in, leave this box unchecked.

Use regular expressions
When checked, regular expressions can be used to replace certain patterns of the filenames.
Learn more about regular expressions.

Apply To
Specifies if the change should be applied to the name, extension or both.